By Anne-Laure Francès

Canelé, a typical Bordeaux cake

Characterized by a slight taste of rum and vanilla, its crunchy crust and its mellow heart, you will not be able to miss during your visit to the Europa Forum!

Here is his story:
In the 18th century, the nuns of the Couvent des Annonciades* decided to make a small cake at a lower cost. They recover the wheat that falls from the boats of the port of Bordeaux as well as the egg yolks not used in the wine cellars. Why were egg yolks left in the wine cellars? It was necessary to «stick» the wine. This technique allows to remove the cloudy aspect and the deposit of the wine. In the Bordeaux cellars egg whites were used. The yolks remained unused!

Canelé quickly became the emblematic pastry of the city of Bordeaux! The aromas of vanilla and rum present in the canelés are also linked to the history of Bordeaux and its trade with the Antilles.

During your visit, you can buy (in any supermarket!) canelés molds to enjoy at home!

Feel free to check out the recipe >>

* Still visible in Bordeaux! One of the only Renaissance cloister still preserved in Aquitaine. Do not hesitate to visit it.