October 24 to 26


Dear Lions of Europe and the world,

We officially announce the launch of the 68th LIONS FORUM EUROPEEN to be held in Bordeaux Le Lac from October 24 to 26, 2024.

Our team looks forward to welcoming you to Bordeaux, for a pure moment of happiness and friendship with a “French touch”!!!!

President of the Forum,












The Europa Forum 2024 sessions will alternate between must-attend meetings, hosting meetings with our leaders, and live action, entertainment and amazing parties. From a tram jump, you can then visit the historic center; museums and cathedrals, beautiful exhibitions, the Cité du Vin are there to satisfy your curiosity.


District 103 North, between assets and particularities

by Bérangère Flament, rédactrice en chef Lions du Nord Located in the most northern part of France, district 103 North covers the Hauts-de-France region (North,...

Zone 32 with the Agen Jardin d’Ovalie club

by Mathias Maret Agen, “the pearl of the South-West” as the poet Jasmin nicknamed it, is home to an exceptional museum which makes it beautiful. In 1876, the historic...

The Blayais

between architectural heritage and quality wines by Jean-Paul Moine One hour from Bordeaux, between the Garonne and the Médoc vineyards, the fortified town of Blaye...

Handisport present at the Europa Forum

by Grégoire Voisin French Lions are very much involved of the in the field of Handisport, and we will be happy to present a stall dedicated to Handisport with a...

French Leos:

our action for VPA supported by Patti Hill by Anne-Laure Francès This year, the French Leos wanted to support Vacances Plein Air (VPA) association through a concrete...

Sauternes Barsac : CHÂTEAU GRAVAS

by Isabelle Rolland-Francès The Sauternes vineyard, with an area of ​​2,000 hectares, is a little bit of Tuscany in our area, a beautiful landscape and preserved...

The « Echoppes » in Bordeaux: a typical habitat

by Marie-Christine et Jean-Paul TavinFar from the noble buildings on the façade of the 18th century docks of Bordeaux which make the city's reputation, Bordeaux housing...

Place de la Bourse, formerly Place Royale

by Mathias Maret Who better to describe it than one of the greatest French writers, Victor Hugo who tells us: “This Place Royale which is quite simply half of Place...

Why coming to the Europa Forum 2024 in Bordeaux?

by Nicole Miquel Belaud, Présidente de l’Europa Forum 2024 Coming to the Europa Forum means being able to exchange, discuss, share experiences, programs, actions and...

The alphabet of Ethics

by Anne Mahieu On the eve of summer, here we are gathered, what if we revisited the alphabet? A for Altruism, Friendship B for happiness, goodness C like courage,...

Edito by Philip Farrugia

Chairman of the Board of Governors 2023-2024 From October 24 to 26, 2024, France will have the pleasure to organize the Europa Forum in Bordeaux. I am pleased to tell...

Passing through the South-East District

by Laurence Mercadal, President of the National Communication Commission The south-eastern District covers 5 departments, Alpes de Haute Provence, Bouches du Rhône,...

Getaway in Dordogne in the heart of Black Périgord

Claudine GAMOT invites you South-East of Zone 53 District 103 South-West, 180 km East of Bordeaux If the Dordogne and even more, the Périgord Noir could be told to us,...

Les Echassiers de Biscarosse

They will be at the Europa Forum: Les Echassiers de Biscarosse by MC et JP Tavin Always the « image of Épinal » of Landes area: a shepherd standing on stilts,...

The Landes forest

Let's take a walk around Bordeaux: The Landes forest, the largest forest in Europe, a story of men by MC et J.P Tavin An example of territorial development: The Landes...

YEC program

The Bordeaux European Forum, the highlight of the YEC (Youth Exchange Camp) program by Alain Gernolle, délegué national YEC Although titled European, this forum will...

The parks of Bordeaux

by Rita Eyremandi On a sunny day, our two friends Elita and Jaja decide to visit the Parc Bordelais. This historic park, inaugurated in 1880, covers an area of ​​28...

A Bordeaux wine : PESSAC-LEOGNAN – Château Léognan

by Isabelle Rolland-Francès This beautiful appellation could be called: “the wine in the city”! Leaving Bordeaux, shortly after crossing the “Barrière de Pessac”, you...

Bordeaux Heritage at UNESCO: La Grosse Cloche

by Mathias Maret Since the 13th century, an imposing and majestic vestige, 40 meters high, has risen in the landscape of Bordeaux, classified as a historic monument...

ETHICS: friendship and cohesion

by Anne Mahieu The real happiness and progress of humanity first require that friendship reign. Rich in the diversity of values ​​that build it, Lionism must, to ensure...





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