By Jean Noël Castagnet and Patrice Merlin

As part of VPA Gironde (Vacances Plein Air), centre of Gujan-Mestras, major action of the Lions de France, 317 children from disadvantaged families were able to enjoy a 2-week stay in the center of Gujan-Mestras. This centre has the particularity of being placed directly under the control of the Lions of the commune, through the association VPA Gironde which manages it.

Seen a little differently, these stays represent 1500 meals, 7500 breakfasts, 7500 snacks, 3100 breadsticks etc…

These children come from the Gironde, the Paris region and the Dordogne mainly, but a special mention must be made for VPA Dordogne which like the previous years sends us enough to fill an almost complete stay, which represents an average of 8 children per club (a good example!)

This year 2023 we received 317 children on 3 stays: 95 from Dordogne ,71 from the Paris region, 151 from Gironde.