Going through district 103 Normandie

Since its inception in 1973, the Normandy District of Lions Clubs has shaped a rich history. Born from the merger of the Lions clubs of Upper and Lower Normandy, it was first known as the North-West district before becoming the Normandy District in 1996-1997. A major player in Lionism, the district has marked its commitment through national conventions, international meetings of the Francophonie, and the European Forum of Deauville. Members have held leadership positions, illustrating their dedication.

The district has forged international ties by twinning with districts in the UK and the Rhineland. Involved in philanthropic actions like MEDICO, the international music competition, and support for the Telethon, the district has left a significant footprint. He played a crucial role in establishing Lionism in France, with active members at the local and national levels and the honour of having Jean Behar as International President.

A remarkable action

In 2023, the Lions Clubs of the Normandy District demonstrated their commitment by supporting a project against cancer. They collectively contributed to the acquisition of a DYN’R material, a proton-controlled blocked breathing system to treat mobile tumors at Baclesse. This philanthropic gesture, supported by the Lions de France Foundation, testifies to the positive impact that the district continues to generate, adapting its actions to changes in society while preserving the values of Lionism.

The traditional recipe: Tarte Normande

A Normandy culinary specialty, Norman pie is known for being divine. It is light and perfect for the end of a meal. Calvados in this realization will be appreciated by the most gourmands. 

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 150 g of softened butter
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 250 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 20 cl of liquid cream
  • 5 cl of milk
  • 20 g of butter
  • 6 apples
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 5 cl of calvados

Peel apples: core and cut into quarters

Shortbread dough: In a bowl, mix the softened butter with 150g of sugar, add 1 whole egg and 2 yolks and flour to obtain a shortbread dough. Knead until you get a dough. Make a ball and let it rest 30 min in the fridge.

Caramelize the apples: fry the apple wedges in butter, add the rest of the sugar, let caramelize and set aside.

Roll out the dough in a mould: take the shortbread out of the refrigerator and flatten it with a rolling pin. Once flat, set the dough in a pan and bake the bottom of the pie for 5 minutes in the oven th.7 (210°C) with a parchment paper and dry beans on it so that it does not swell.

Mix the liquid cream and milk with the egg and the remaining yolk
Store the apple wedges on the bottom of the pie, pour the preparation on top.

Preheat oven to 180°C
Bake the pie for 20 minutes
Remove the pie, let it cool, sprinkle the top with brown sugar and caramelize slightly under the grill.

Flambé the Norman pie: heat the Calvados in a saucepan, flambé, and pour it immediately on the pie. Serve with heavy cream.

David Gibory
District 103 Normandie