The fight against diabetes, a flagship action of District 103 SW

By Carole Sibaï–Séré, Diabetes Officer

Diabetes, a serious and insidious chronic disease, affects more than 500 million people worldwide, including more than 4 million in France. We can recall that there are 2 types of diabetes, type 2 which mainly affects adults, promoted by poor food hygiene and lack of exercise and type 1 of the child and adolescent, autoimmune disease with genetic predisposition requiring lifelong daily treatment with insulin injections.

Diabetes is one of the flagship actions of Lionism and in particular of District 103 South-West, which has been conducting screenings by measuring capillary blood sugar for more than 10 years. From 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023, the mobilization of 22 Clubs made it possible to test 5,402 people, thus making it possible to detect 215 cases (or 4%) with figures outside the limits. These events are always very well received by the population and the opportunity for pleasant exchanges.

In addition, our District 103 SO will contribute in 2024, with the help of LCIF, to the establishment of a specific transition unit within the children’s hospital for 15-25 years, true «Sas» enabling them to learn to be independent at an age when these young people are entering adolescence, an extremely delicate period already identified as vulnerable, thus facilitating the crossing of this milestone and their integration into society.