by Anne Mahieu

The real happiness and progress of humanity first require that friendship reign.

Rich in the diversity of values ​​that build it, Lionism must, to ensure the continuity of its action, maintain its cohesion.

How can we expurgate what could be the evil that is gnawing away at our society today, habit, indifference, resignation…

We are multiple, diverse men and women, attached to a humanism made of sharing.

We are confounded by the need to step back and think differently. We must never tire of transmitting.

Let’s start by remembering why we became Lions and why we stayed?

Do we philosophize, do we symbolize, with the sole aim of acting? Act… How to act vigilantly through humanitarian projects and actions.

The acceleration of our lifestyle and modes of communication push us to act more quickly.

Where do we act? How do we act?

We must question ourselves. Move more than ever from reflection to action. Only our ways of being, our actions reveal what we are.

“Be the change you want to see in the world,” Gandhi said.

“Of all acts, the most important is that of building” wrote Paul Valéry.

We must stay awake, ready to respond, to intervene, to help, to serve.

“The world is dangerous to live in” Einstein tells us “Not because of those who do evil but because of those who watch and let it happen”.

Dear Lion friends, let us not be spectators but actors.