Going through district 103 Normandie

Going through district 103 Normandie

Going through district 103 Normandie Since its inception in 1973, the Normandy District of Lions Clubs has shaped a rich history. Born from the merger of the Lions clubs of Upper and Lower Normandy, it was first known as the North-West district before becoming the...
Youth in District 103 SW

Youth in District 103 SW

Youth in District 103 SW The history of the LEO Club and the Lions Clubs International are closely linked. As a sponsoring association, the LEO Club has closely followed the history of Lions, while also building its own history.  Talking about the Leos in this...
Bordeaux Capital of Wine

Bordeaux Capital of Wine

Bordeaux Capital of Wine CHÂTEAU MAUVINON – ALL THE COLOURS OF ST EMILION For the first time in the world in 1999, a vineyard is recognized as a UNESCO heritage site. It is a vineyard of more than 2000 years, one of the most famous in the world. In the eighth...
Bordeaux Gourmand Recipe

Bordeaux Gourmand Recipe

The Lamprey in the Bordeaux Une recette proposée par Patrick Robert The Bordeaux lamprey is a traditional dish of Aquitaine cuisine. However, it has also spread to the Atlantic coastal areas further south, in Spain and Portugal. La Lamprey, what is it? The lamprey is...
Edito of Claude Mermet

Edito of Claude Mermet

Edito of Claude Mermet - English Let me introduce myself, I am Claude Mermet, member of the Terrasson Club and vice-president of the Europa Forum. I had the honour of serving as governor of the District Sud-Ouest (Bordeaux) of the District Multiple France 103 during...