by Mathias Maret

Agen, “the pearl of the South-West” as the poet Jasmin nicknamed it, is home to an exceptional museum which makes it beautiful.

In 1876, the historic heart of the town of Agen acquired its Museum of Fine Arts. Even within a set of four private mansions, dating from the Renaissance, the collections demonstrate great artistic richness. The museum, now one of the most important in the South-West, offers the discovery of works from prehistory to the 20th century. It particularly attracts visitors around great artists, a painting by Tintoretto, and several works by the Spanish painter Francisco Goya. In addition, the museum has a lovely collection characteristic of painters from the Impressionist movement, including Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot and Eugène Boudin. Works specific to the South-West and Lot-et-Garonne are on display, including the fortuitous discovery of the Venus of Mas d’Agenais which today hugs the hall of the museum from its antiquity. Without omitting more contemporary artists, such as Roger Bissière, as well as Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne.