by Nicole Miquel Belaud, Présidente de l’Europa Forum 2024

Coming to the Europa Forum means being able to exchange, discuss, share experiences, programs, actions and service activities. The official language will be French, everything will be translated for the interventions in the auditorium, and in the adjacent rooms, a certain number will be in French.

Coming to the Europa Forum is the chance to experience our international movement with Lions from other European countries for 3 days and to have feedback on the presence of Lionism in European and international organizations, Council of Europe, FAO ,Unesco, Unicef, UN (Vienna and Geneva), etc…

Coming to the Europa Forum is an opportunity to support young people by participating in the Thomas Kutti Contest, or by listening to them during the Young Ambassadors Contest. Leos and YEC camp organizers will also be present.

Coming to the Europa Forum is the opportunity to meet the leaders of our movement including the International President Fabricio Oliveira (Brazil), the Past International President Dr. Patti Hill, (Canada), the 1st International Vice-President AP Singh (India) and perhaps also the 2nd International Vice-President, Mark Lyon (USA);

Coming to the Europa Forum means participating in three festive evenings: a free informal meeting (Get together), a folklore evening and a typically French evening in a renowned cabaret.

Book the dates for Thursday 24, Friday 25 and Saturday 26 October 2024, in Bordeaux, to experiment moments of friendship and conviviality!

For further information and to register, visit the website: