By Nicole Belaud, Presidente

What is the European Council?

It is the body responsible for the formation and control of the policy of the European Forum. A European forum is very interesting because it takes important decisions for its development.

The meetings of the European Council are open to all Lions. Come and see what is being discussed, it may give you ideas to establish a deliberation that will be brought by your Governor and the Chairman of the Board of Governors for discussion at a future European Forum. However, only a duly appointed delegate will be allowed to vote.

The Council will be chaired by the Chair of the Forum, assisted by the Vice-Chair, the Secretary of the Forum and the Archivist-Counsellor. The agenda of Council meetings is determined by the Chair of the Forum, based on the draft resolutions received from Members and the February meeting of the Supervisory Committee.

You can find the draft resolutions on our website >>

The deliberations are presented, studied and voted by the members of this body. One of these proceedings is devoted to the report of the previous EF; for Bordeaux, it will concern that of Klagenfurt.

This Forum is organized in 3 sessions: the opening, discussions, voting and conclusion (you are not obliged to follow all 3).

European Council I
  • Thursday 24 October at 9:45 am, with presentation of members and deliberations sent 
European Council II
  • Friday 25 October at 11:00 am, reserved for discussions. The purpose of this meeting is to hold informal hearings and open discussions in order to prepare for decisions to be taken the next day. All documents and additional information requested are available on our website. According to the statutes, the meeting is chaired by the President of the Forum, assisted by the Vice-President, the Secretary of the Forum and the Archivist Counsellor
European Council III
  • Saturday 26 October at 9:00 am, voting and conclusion. While the informal hearings and open discussions took place the day before, this meeting will have to focus on voting on resolutions and elections on the agenda. Unless new relevant information has emerged in the meantime, discussions are not timely. No new resolution can be analyzed at this time.

Who participates?

The 3 meetings will be held in the auditorium/amphitheatre and are open to all Lions. However, only one duly appointed delegate per member will be allowed to speak and vote.

It is composed of one voting delegate for each member. The Lions Organisation of any country or state belonging to the Constitutional Area of Europe may become a member of the European Forum, provided that its membership has been approved by the European Council.

The meeting is chaired by the Chair of the Forum, assisted by the Vice-Chair, the Secretary of the Forum and C&A.


The quorum is a majority of the members represented in the EF and entitled to vote. If the quorum is not reached, it is called again 30 minutes later. At that time, there will be no need for a quorum for this vote. All decisions must be taken by a simple majority.

So, do not hesitate, come and attend these European Council meetings!