The floor is up to the Governors of MD 103

Bernard Chenudet, District 103 West

“For many years, France has not organized a Europa Forum. This is an opportunity to come in large numbers and to showcase our country on the international stage and to live for 3 days with Lions from other European countries. Let’s exchange and share your experiences without language barriers since French is one of the 4 official languages. So, no more reason not to travel to this magnificent city of Bordeaux which will welcome you with open arms.”

Claude-Noël Vrain,  District 103 Central-West

“Participating in the Europa Forum in Bordeaux means sharing experiences and activities with many Lions of Europe.

Let’s take advantage of the fact that the Forum is in France this year, it’s less far away and easier to access.

Let’s meet up to exchange in a friendly atmosphere in Bordeaux from October 24th to 26th!”

Daniel Mineo, District 103 CC

“This year, France will light up with the Europa Forum in Bordeaux from October 23rd to 26th, 2024. The theme “My life together” will be a reflection for us Lions and on our future actions. We all need to be here to show the world that we are so happy to live together. You can’t show up, so go to Bordeaux!”