Saint Emilion, tourist and historical center

by Anne-Laure Francés

You already discovered it around wine a few months ago, now set off to discover the history of the village of Saint Emilion, located at about fifty kilometers from Bordeaux.

We can find traces of life from the Gallo-Roman Period, but the real history of the city begins in the 8th century when the monk Emilion came to settle there in a hermitage, in a small cave. He developed a monastery there and pilgrims flocked to the village.

The village gains in wealth and develops, particularly around a vast underground network.

Indeed, against all expectations, it is not the wine – and the work of the vines – which makes the wealth of Saint Emilion, but rather the sale of stones for the construction of the surrounding towns and villages. To create the city’s underground networks, and in particular, the largest monolithic church in Europe, it was necessary to excavate, and thanks to the proximity of the rivers, transporting the stones was very easy.

During your visit in our region, do not hesitate to visit the village of Saint Emilion, and take the opportunity to visit the underground passages! You will then be able to discover the cave of the monk Emilion, the catacombs, but above all the largest monolithic church in Europe built at the beginning of the 12th century.

After these times of expansion, the village found itself at the heart of a political event that went beyond our borders, The Hundred Years’ War, a conflict between France and England for the control of the French throne. This War ended at a few kilometers from Saint Emilion, with the Battle of Castillon in 1453, with the victory of France.

Today, Saint Emilion has regained its splendor after the wars and conflicts the village went through. It is a place steeped in history, with stone architecture typical of the Bordeaux region and landscapes of vineyards as far as the eye can see. Get up high at the Tour du Roy to observe them!