Passing through the South Center district

by Marc Raynal, Commission Communication-Marketing Delegate

LDistrict South Center, is located south of the East Center District. It is modeled on the administrative region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, reduced by two departments, Cantal and Allier. The main Lions regional centers are: The Lyon Metropolis (13 clubs including 1 LEO), The Pays de L’Ain and northern Rhône (13 clubs), the Pays de Savoie (16 clubs), the Dauphiné (11 clubs), Drôme-Ardèche (14 clubs), Loire and Velay (6 clubs) and Auvergne (15 clubs including 1 LEO). The 2027 lions and 16 LEOs that make it up are spread across 17 zones and in 86 Lions clubs and 2 LEO clubs.

A remarkable action by our South Center district: a “Student Lions” program to help students in very precarious situations.

This action of District 103 Center South was proposed in 2022 by Emmanuel Bellier (Montélimar Rives du Rhône) with the agreement of the 2021/2022 Governor, Évelyne Pic.

A year after the Covid crisis, many students found themselves isolated, they lost the small jobs that allowed them to supplement their income. The high cost of living and high inflation put them in a situation of great food insecurity: 19% of them only eat one meal out of two.

Hence the idea of ​​creating the “Student Lions” Program which consists of financing books of service tickets benefiting students in difficulty, in the amount of €100 (10 tickets of €10) allowing the purchase of products food and hygiene.

For the clubs, the objective is therefore to get closer to an association close to student circles and familiar with their precarious situation. This could then either give the tickets to the most deprived, or buy the products that they regularly distribute or improve their food bank.

Clubs wishing to make a financial commitment to this action must make a payment into the District’s account at the French Lions Foundation which will offer a 15% contribution to the program linked to Hunger and Youth. A second contribution of 29% will complete it, it is allocated by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region. This total participation of 44% offers a very significant leverage effect, thus a club paying €100 will receive a contribution of €44 allowing it to finance a greater number of tickets.

This 100% Lions, local action, aimed at students in our region, will end at the end of 2024 with the end of the agreed subsidies. We hope that this will be renewed so that our District still participates in this outpouring of solidarity towards students in great precariousness.