By Françoise Theuriot, Gouvernor

Passing through District 103 Central East

The District brings together the regions of Burgundy, Franche-Comté and the department of Allier

It brings together 1,300 lions in 62 clubs plus two Leo clubs, one based in Dijon, the second was created this year in Besançon.

The clubs are very involved in service activities, they carry out large-scale actions.

Hunger – Precariousness: the clubs of Besançon and Dijon collect basic necessities (clothing, bed linen, dishes, toiletries, etc.) to distribute them to students. They also produce Blood for Blood Campus.

Actions in favor of pediatric cancer cover the entire district: the Dijon Doyen club is organizing a major action, “Dreams of Sick Children”.

Youth is also favored thanks to the reception of the CIF. This year, 31 young French-speaking people were welcomed and supported by a majority of clubs. A YEC camp is also organized each year by the Vichy club. This year, 13 young people benefited from a stay focused on sport.

During the month of August, we send around a hundred young people to VPA. The opportunity to introduce them to community life and surpassing oneself thanks to the different facets of the circus.

The theme of Disability is being developed more and more; actions carried out made it possible to acquire wheelchairs for disabled sports people

The sale of yellow roses for Alzheimer’s disease is very developed, associated with the creation last year of the “Evalions” stay, a center located in Burgundy offering a week of respite to caregivers and those being cared for.

Sight, the leading cause of Lionism with a “Bus for Sight” project this year in our district.

Diabetes remains one of the major causes in our district. We have even deployed the fight against diabetes in Benin, with the German district 11 Mitte Sud, with which our district is twinned.

 Finally, the city of Dijon will host the National Convention on May 29, 30 and 31, 2025. This will be an opportunity to discover this region rich in history and local flavors.