Par Nicole Belaud, Past DI, President of the Europa Forum

AGORA, an unmissable place

The Europa Forum will take place in Bordeaux Lac, at Palais de l’Atlantique, a very modern place with space and all audio-visual means. Everything will take place there, except the T Kutti music competition (because there is a need for many rehearsal rooms with good sound and concert pianos) and the breathtaking gala evening, which will take place in a famous cabaret in Bordeaux, for the “French touch” side and to say goodbye and see you next year in Dublin!

At the Atlantic Palace you will have several must-see places:

For interventions

  • the amphitheater with interventions at each plenary with translations into Italian, German, English and French if necessary, by professional translators
  • 8 committee rooms: interventions in the committees can be made in one of the official languages, English, German, Italian or French and it is up to the speakers to provide a translation, for example into English, if necessary.

Please note that this year, for those who have already attended a Europa Forum, the Young Ambassador prize meetings and those of the YECs youth camp exchanges will also take place at the Palais de l’Atlantique, in the same location as the EF, which will allow everyone to see what is happening there.

Our central point will be the Agora, in which we will find:

  • Activities, including those on disabled sports, inclusive dancers, special Olympic activities.
  • Two bars, to socialize while quenching your thirst and snacking.
  • An exhibition of painting and sculpture with the Cultural Heritage Association of the Lions of France… These works belong to the Lions of France: if you want, you can acquire one of the 40 on display, the profits go to the Vacances Plein Air Gironde (Lions Children Camp).
  • A quiet speakers corner, which is a place with the possibility of speaking for a maximum of 20 minutes on a theme which must be accepted by the program director Vanessa Horrod. Interventions will be less formal than during sessions in committee rooms and may be made in English, German, Italian or French.
  • A landscaped place of rare beauty to take a photo and keep a memory of the friends we have or will make.

And finally stands of several types:

  • Commercial stands, notably wine/champagne stands, which will allow you to have them delivered to your home, but not only that.
  • Institutional stands, to highlight LCIF, Challenge 1.5 and the future locations of the Europa Forum, Ireland in Dublin, Germany in Hanover and Hungary in Budapest.
  • Stands of different DMs to present some of their actions, such as those of Croatia, Austria, Sweden, Turkey, etc.
  • District stands of DM 103, Leo, Yec, Médico, Udelm, DM 103 Communication

And many more!

Indeed, this Agora is the essential place of the Europa Forum, for discovery, friendliness. We will all cross this place, which will allow us to meet up, exchange and make friends.

So, register quickly, tell your friends so they can join us, and reserve your seats now on our ticketing website.For detailed information, go to “lionseuropaforum2024.en