by Grégoire Voisin

French Lions are very much involved of the in the field of Handisport, and we will be happy to present a stall dedicated to Handisport with a specific program:

Thursday October 24: Wheelchair Basketball Day

Morning: 10 a.m. start of activities, demonstrations and discoveries of Handisport disciplines

Afternoon: Demonstrations and role-playing of “all in wheelchairs” diversity, valid and


Evening: 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. demonstration match with Bordeaux club teams

From 7 p.m. Bandas. Show given by Hand to Hand and the Landais stilt walkers

Friday October 25: Wheelchair Rugby Day

Morning: 10 a.m. start of activities, wheelchair route and discovery of Handisport disciplines

Afternoon: Armchair rugby, concrete drop demonstrations. Public awareness 

Evening: 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., wheelchair rugby match with festive atmosphere from the public

Saturday October 26: Sitting Volleyball Day

Morning: Sitting volleyball, demonstrations by the Haillan Volley Club. Public awareness 

Throughout the Europa Forum you will be able to attend high-level demonstrations and test many specific equipment used in the practice of Parasports disciplines.

These initiations supervised by sports technicians will be a probably unique opportunity for participants to put themselves in a para-sport competition situation.