Editorial by Caroline Zavattoni
Council Chairperson of Governors MD 103 France 2024-2025

Dear Lion and Leo Friends,

This year, our multiple district is in the spotlight at the European level!

The last Europa Forum in France, took place in 2008, in Cannes. Meeting the 2008 challenge will be done with a strong contribution from the Lions of France.

Let’s be ambassadors of our Europa Forum!

It is an opportunity for us, Lions of France, to promote our actions and our commitment.

This European event will offer conferences, round tables, plenary meetings with quality speakers and translation possibilities, to participants.

Meeting our officials and interacting with them is also an opportunity identical to those offered by International Conventions.

An attractive program due to its diversity and richness is already available on our website >>
Go find out and organize your days according to your desires and your motivation.

Lion and Leo Friends, it is together, and through OUR PRESENCE, that we will make this meeting unforgettable.

The Lions of MD 103 France know how to create links like the French conviviality that characterizes us.

I am counting on YOUR PARTICIPATION and your ability to involve Lion friends from your districts so that we are visible and active in this major event!

Yours in Lionism.