What is the European Council?

What is the European Council?

By Nicole Belaud, Presidente What is the European Council? It is the body responsible for the formation and control of the policy of the European Forum. A European forum is very interesting because it takes important decisions for its development. The meetings of the...
AGORA, an unmissable place

AGORA, an unmissable place

Par Nicole Belaud, Past DI, President of the Europa Forum AGORA, an unmissable place The Europa Forum will take place in Bordeaux Lac, at Palais de l’Atlantique, a very modern place with space and all audio-visual means. Everything will take place there, except the T...
The word of Ethics

The word of Ethics

The word of Ethics By Anne Mahieu We, Lions, consider the values ​​of justice, respect, freedom, tolerance and cooperation to be universal and we feel authorized to celebrate and propagate them. Living together means discovering dialogue and reciprocity in...
The floor is up to the Governors of MD 103

The floor is up to the Governors of MD 103

The floor is up to the Governors of MD 103 Bernard Chenudet, District 103 West “For many years, France has not organized a Europa Forum. This is an opportunity to come in large numbers and to showcase our country on the international stage and to live for 3 days with...
Saint Emilion, tourist and historical center

Saint Emilion, tourist and historical center

Saint Emilion, tourist and historical center by Anne-Laure Francés You already discovered it around wine a few months ago, now set off to discover the history of the village of Saint Emilion, located at about fifty kilometers from Bordeaux. We can find traces of life...