Passing through the South Center district

Passing through the South Center district

Passing through the South Center district by Marc Raynal, Commission Communication-Marketing Delegate LDistrict South Center, is located south of the East Center District. It is modeled on the administrative region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, reduced by two departments,...


Ethics by Anne Mahieu Who would understand that a reflection on “living together” is kept away from each and every one of us?  The future is closely dependent on our ability to “live together” because certain behaviors question the bond that unites us. The...
Newsletter of June

Newsletter of June

The latest newsletter from the Europa Forum was published on 29 June. You can find out by clicking on the image below. And if you are not yet a subscriber, you can register here >>
Zone 32 with the Agen Jardin d’Ovalie club

Zone 32 with the Agen Jardin d’Ovalie club

by Mathias Maret Agen, “the pearl of the South-West” as the poet Jasmin nicknamed it, is home to an exceptional museum which makes it beautiful. In 1876, the historic heart of the town of Agen acquired its Museum of Fine Arts. Even within a set of four private...