by PID Nicole BELAUD, Présidente de l’Europa Forum 2024

I have experienced a certain number of Europa Forums, and for each of them, what I remember is having exchanged and informed on the way of living our movement in other European countries, discovering actions during the conferences, workshops, etc., met many Lions from other European countries, made friends with many of them and finally, I was proud to be one of those who helped needees with actions, each one more exceptional than the last!

This is why in Bordeaux, everything is done to facilitate meetings and exchanges. No need to know each other before your coming, you are Lions with your pin, you can talk to everyone, because we belong to the same family, the family of humanists.

The Palais de l’Atlantique, lends itself well: in the Amphitheater you will be able to attend meetings while in the various committee rooms you will have the opportunity to speak and ask questions during the conferences, workshops, meeting Lions, talking with them.

At the Village, you can go to the “speakers’ corner” area and register if you want to present an action, a subject, a service activity project, etc. (30 minutes no more, in your language, if you you want).You will also be able to visit the different stands, as there will be many Lions stands alongside more “commercial” stands, and attend the various activities which will take place there.

Don’t forget to stop at the Bar…to remake the world and Lionism… Don’t forget to visit the Art Gallery and stroll through the works of the Cultural Heritage of the Lions of France, an excellent opportunity for the Lions to highlight before their involvement in the cultural field.

So don’t hesitate any longer, come to the Europa Forum in Bordeaux, everything is done to facilitate exchanges with other Lions.

“And the icing on the cake”, if your club or district is twinned with another club or district, it will be a great opportunity to meet your friends at the Europa Forum : getting together to exchange ideas, have a great experience together, learn from each other, party together. This is an opportunity not to be missed, it seems to me. We will do everything so that you can be together, for example during the gala evening, but not only that!

Finally, a Europa Forum allows you to make friends that you will be very happy to see again at another Europa Forum in another European country.

So don’t hesitate, visit our website: and register – you won’t regret it!