Coming to Bordeaux is easy!

by Nicole Belaud, president of the Europa Forum 2024

With its Bordeaux-Mérignac international airport and its Saint Jean train station which puts Paris at 2 hours away, Bordeaux is located less than 500 km by motorway and around 5 hours by car from the capital.

Travel is easy with trams, buses, shuttles, taxis and even bicycles… Note that during the Europa Forum, the trams will be free for the lions and carpooling will always be a good idea!

Accommodation is not complicated in the Bordeaux-Lac area, near the Palais de l’Atlantique where the Europa Forum will take place: many hotels of all categories can accommodate you and it is possible to accommodate several people in Airbnbs. Many hotels in the city center are easily accessible by tram line C.

Participation in the Europa Forum is “à la carte”: in addition to the registration fees, it is possible to have lunch on site and participate in the scheduled evenings.

Language is not a problem since the welcoming and closing ceremonies will be translated into the 3 other languages ​​as will all the sessions that will take place in the auditorium.